
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 01:04:27
朋友有谁能帮我找一下一首歌曲叫<<音符>>是小学6年级北京教育科学出版社的 麻烦哦 快快快快快 我后天就要了 很紧急 最迟到晚上 快哦
有谁找到了我说的那首音符的歌曲 我都多加分 查到了要把地址给我哦
我只记得音谱第一句是12345 23456 5671 2176 54321 只记得这些了 就是那些英语我忘记了 我在延迟一下到明天中午 因为要考试啊 我不会唱

Musical Notes

Music humming throughout the air
Heard throughout the lonely nights
Thru the thunder of a strident voice
No more sweet songs of joy
Hearing complete & utter silence
Painful misery into the deep world
Fleshed wounds revealing themselves
A heavy burden weighing me down

I will look away
From the glass for a time
Until I can see the notes floating
Throughout the thickened air
Until then, black dots surround my soul
[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/3Mhk ]
The broken pieces
Of what was once so joyful

No words to sing and no more laughter
Only the disbelief of the unreal world
Deeply surrounding my frail, frail state
Becoming weaker by day and sadder by night
Numb, except for the humming of my skin
Physical states falling faster asleep
Emotional drive of m